Practices for supporting and improving management systems in accordance with the requirements of the ISO standards

This online course allows the top management of organizations to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for supporting and improving management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO standards.

The course contains an array of practical instruments, after the successful implementation of which, you will be able to achieve a highly effective management system that works like a charm.


36 hours




100% online


The knowledge gained will help you to:

• Successfully implement a systematic approach to business management

• Apply effective business-planning instruments

• Accurately identify and manage processes

• Effectively allocate responsibilities and authorities

• Correctly formulate the policy and strategy of your business

• Develop risk-based thinking

• Develop objectives at the strategic, tactical, and operational level

• Build a stable team, determine and maintain competence of each employee, build a motivation system at your company

• Carry out regular reviews of your management system

• Get the maximum benefit from the implementation of the “improvement” principle

Target audience

• Successful managers and leaders who wish to achieve maximum results

• Managers of all levels – to develop their own leadership and managerial abilities, as well as to develop their own team

• Specialists who plan to take up managerial posts – to gain self-confidence and deep understanding of the specifics of future work

Document on completion

Certificate with the qualification of a top manager, specialization “Support and improvement of management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO standards”, listed in the SIC international register

Evaluation scale




Does not comply

Thematic plan

The course program includes one module.
The program is designed for 24 hours, including time for studying theoretical material and taking tests.
After completion of each module, the listener is being tested


Content of the program

Number of hours

1.1 Understanding the organization and its context 3
1.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders 1
1.3 MS scope and processes 1
1.4 Leadership 1
1.5 Policy and strategy 1
1.6 Functions, responsibilities, and authorities 1
1.7 Actions to treat risks and implement opportunities 2
1.8 MS objectives 1
1.9 Planning changes 1
1.10 Resources 2
1.11 Documented information 1
1.12 Operational planning and control over current activities 1
1.13 Internal audits 1
1.14 Management systems analysis 2
1.15 Nonconformities and corrective actions 1
1.16 Improvement 2
  Testing 2
Detailed content of the program


Understanding the organization and its context:

–       SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

–       SWOT matrix

–       PEST analysis

–       The main stages of the PEST analysis


Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders:

–       Stakeholders: types, categories, processing needs and expectations


MS scope and processes:

–       Determining the scope

–       Identifying processes

–       Responsibilities and authorities

–       Actions for effectiveness and efficiency



–       Leadership in Management Systems

–       Leader and his traits



Policy and strategy:

–       The MS policy role

–       Strategy formulation model


Functions, responsibilities, and authorities:

–       Distribution of roles, process-based approach

–       Responsibility matrix


Actions to treat risks and implement opportunities:

–       The impact of risks and opportunities on the organization’s activities

–       Management levels

–       Identifying critical points

–       Documentation


MS objectives:

–       Developing objectives at the strategic, tactical, and operational level

–       SMART Technology


Planning changes



–       Resources

–       Knowledge base

–       Competence

–       Awareness

–       Communication


Documented information:  documentation development principles


Operational planning and control over current activities:

–       Operational control methods

–       Factors

–       Outsourced process


Internal audits:

–       Purpose and frequency of internal audits


Management systems analysis:  suitability, adequacy, efficiency


Nonconformities and corrective actions:

–       Root cause analysis

–       Problem Statement: The «5 Whys» Principle



–       The «Improvement» principle: advantages of use

–       Setting objectives

–       Education and training of personnel

–       Improvement projects analysis

–       Development and implementation of improvements

–       Implementation of improvements