COVID-19 countermeasures system commissioner in the organization (SIC.COVID-FREE:2020)

This online course allows you to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out an audit of the COVID-19 countermeasures system based on the SIC.COVID-FREE:2020 standard.

Training participants will gain knowledge about various components of the COVID-19 countermeasures system and the verification criteria for each of them.


22 hours




100% online


Gaining the necessary knowledge for:

• ensuring due accountability of management to counteract infection

• identifying relevant risks

• implementing measures to minimize the spread of COVID-19

• developing and implementing the COVID-19 countermeasures program

• drawing up relevant reporting

Target audience

• Top management representatives
• Heads of labor protection department
• Responsible for the functioning of COVID-19 countermeasures systems

Document on completion

COVID-19 countermeasures system commissioner certificate, listed in the SIC international register

Thematic plan

The course program includes 1 module: “COVID-19 Countermeasures System (SIC.COVID-FREE:2020)”

The program is designed for 22 hours, including time for studying theoretical material and taking tests.
After completion of each module, the listener is being tested.


Module 1 COVID-19 Countermeasures System (SIC.COVID-FREE:2020)

Number of hours

11.1 Introduction                                                                                       1,5
1.2 General provisions of the standard                                                   2
1.3 Management responsibility                                                                2
1.4 COVID-19 countermeasures commissioner                                     2
1.5 Actions to minimize or eliminate the risks of the spread of COVID-19 5
1.6 Risks evaluation                                                                                    2
1.7 Personal data                                                                                        2
1.8 COVID-19 countermeasures program                                             2,5
1.9 Planning measures for the implementation of the program        1
1.10 Reporting                                                                                             1
Testing                                                                                                           1